Få svar på alle dine spørgsmål om Hærvejsmarchen
No matter whether you are registering individual walkers (alone or as part of an already registered team) or registering a team of between 10 and 250 people, then you must use our registration system.
When entering many walkers, you can click the 'Start Card List' button to get an overview of what will be written on each start card, before the start cards are printed.
Hereby, you have a change to prevent printing of many start cards with errors, which must be corrected by a person from Hærvejsmarchen and new cards must be printed. The list is not obligatory, but should be used, if each walker cannot check their own registration information from a PC.
When pressing the 'Start Card List' button, you will get a link to downloading a PDF file with 40 walkers shown per page. The list is sorted by last name. All columns are on the start card, except for the team name, which is mentioned once at the top of each page.
The list can then be printed and shared with the walkers, so they can check their own information and mark changes with a pen or use any other method that suits you best.
Ages calculated not from today, but from march date. This is to avoid any changes in prices for the distance you select the form, if the person is near an age limit.
An exampel: If you have your 70 birthday on the first mach day, you are 70 +.
Registration rebate counts until 1st June.
Rebate is counted from the date, where the person is entered into the system, rather than the date of payment. This makes it possible to sign up a team in which walkers are registered both before and after 1st June with the correct rebate.
You can pay via Dancard, VISA, Mastercard or cash on Hærvejsmarchen's office or cash at the registration hall on the day of getting the start card.
If you live in Denmark, you can only pay by bank transfer with an agreement with the HÆRVEJSMARCHEN office. If you live outside Denmark and have no other options, you can pay via bank transfer through IBAN code:
Payment Nordea Bank Danmark a/s
S.W.I.F.T. address: NDEADKKK
Telex nr. 27543 NDEA DK
for credit of account
Bank code 2330
Accont nr. 6500 139 802
IBAN DK3520006500139802 Payer pays transfer cost.
The ticket is called a 'start card' and contains your name, address, invoicing information and chosen distance.
The start card is printed for you, when you arrive at the registration hall on the Friday before the march or from 4 o'clock in the morning on the day of the march. For large teams, usually a pre-printing of start cards happens, so they can be delivered immediately before the march. This happens by separate agreement with Hærvejsmarchen's office. When the start card is delivered, it is put in a plastic pocket, colored by the distance you are to walk.
If you have selected accommodation and eating during registration, you will get a dinner coupon, which will be tagged at accommodation and at breakfast or dinner.
If you are participating in a two-day march, please contact the registration hall on Sunday when you have reached the finishing line. Here we will register that you have finished, and you will receive your HÆRVEJSMARCHEN medal. If you want to, you can buy a diploma bearing your name and the distance you walked for DKK 25.
You will get your start card back, and you have to use it as documentation if you want IML and IVV stamps. IVV stamps will be available on both Saturday and Sunday. IML stamps can only be given on the Sunday.
If you are participating in a one-day march, you can be registered as having finished on both Saturday and Sunday, and can buy a diploma for DKK 25. You will not get a medal – but you will get your start card back, which you’ll need if you want an IVV stamp. REMEMBER: IVV stamps can be issued on both the Saturday and Sunday.
Even if your registration has been made and your payment is complete, you can still have time to change your registration before the march started. Whatever you sign up yourself or as a team, you can always change your registration by logging on with a login that you receive via e-mail.
If you make changes to your registration, which means a higher price than originally charged, then you must pay the balance for the changes to take effect. If the changes result in a lower price, then you should have money back. Read more about this on the registration page. We will take an decort on Dkr. 50 - per administrtion number.
If a person does not show up for the march, this is marked as absent on request at the registration hall. It is not mandatory, but nice to know how many are absent for a team, so success rates can quickly calculate when to buy medals for the team.
When ordering and payment has been made, there can not be canceled and the money can not be returned.
It is possible to sign walkers as absent, in terms of completion percentage for teams on request at the registration hall before or during the march.
Registration on the website will close a week before the march.
REMEMBER: Everyone can register directly at the registration hall, at Tingvej 17, 8800 Viborg, which will open for direct registrations on the Friday from 12:00 to 21:00 and on the Saturday/Sunday from 05:00 to 09:00.
Everyone who completes at least 2x10 km on the Saturday and Sunday will receive a HÆRVEJSMARCHEN medal.
Everyone who completes at least 2x20 km on the Saturday and Sunday can buy an IML medal and get an IML stamp in their IML international walker passport as per IML’s rules.
A one-day card does not qualify you for a medal, but if you have purchased a one-day card for the Saturday, you can exchange it for a two-day start card on Sunday morning, which will qualify you for a medal and register you as walking for two days.
Anyone who has completed a walk on HÆRVEJSMARCHEN can get an IVV stamp indicating a completed march on both Saturday and Sunday.
For the two-day march, you can buy a diploma on Sunday in the registration hall after you have completed the march. The price of a diploma is DKK 25. Remember to bring your start card before you hand it in for registration of having finished. The diploma will be written as you register that you have finished.
Participants in the one-day march can buy a diploma on both Saturday and Sunday in the registration hall after completing their routes.